Conclusion of Cacahuatalejo Pump Repair Project – El Salvador

This project has been successfully completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Zach Thomas. To see the history of this project CLICK HERE.

The project was to repair the broken community water pump that had ceased to function many years ago.

Zach reports:

We completed the pump repair in one 12-hour workday! We had 10 volunteers, one experienced pump repair boss, and his two sons help throughout the day.

With project funds, we were able to buy 54 meters of tubing, consisting of 18 three-meter stainless steel pieces, and have them threaded at a local metal shop. The funds also paid for material transport, metal pipe connectors, labor for the three experienced water pump installers, and lunch for all of the volunteers.

The 54 meters of tubes that we removed from the well had all been destroyed by rust. A few pipes had dime-sized holes in them, which was the reason water was not reaching the surface.

There was water in the well after only four tubes (12 meters), showing that there will be an ample supply for the community for years to come.

He went on to state:

Now the pump works perfectly and families in the neighborhood are using the water for consumption, laundry, dishes, bathing, and livestock purposes.

Zach expressed his gratitude, and that of the community, for enabling this vitally-needed project.

We are grateful to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this successful project.