National Peace Corps Association

A Project to Create Access to Water for Libertad La Fuente – Mexico

Ejido Bellavista, Chiapas, Mexico Libertad La Fuente is home to 41 families many of whom are descendants of the Maya refugees who fled the war in Guatemala to find safety and freedom deep in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. The community is located literally at the top of the world about 4 hours from the […]

Barrio Las Cruces Water Project – Mexico

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. This project has been completed.  To read about the conclusion, CLICK HERE. Location Barrio Las Cruces, Chiapas, México Community Description Barrio Las Cruces is a neighborhood of 35 homes with 185 inhabitants, plus one on the way. The community […]

Village Well Program Phase I – Madagascar

This program is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION, working with THE MADAGASCAR WATER. Village Well Program Phase I:   ​8 Wells For Six Villages in Madagascar Location:  Six Villages (Fokotany), East Coast of Madagascar; Region of Antsinanana; District of Mahanoro Commune of Masomeloka:                    Fokotany of Masomeloka, […]

Ang Metrei Primary School Bathroom Project – Cambodia

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association. This is a project under the LET GIRLS LEARN Program, a collaboration of First Lady Michelle Obama and the Peace Corps to expand access to education for girls around the world! LocationRolaing Kruel Commune, Samrong Tong District, Kampong […]

Odropi Well Project – Uganda

Location  Odropi, Yumbe, Uganda This project has been completed.  To read about the conclusion, scroll down below. Community Description Odropi is adjacent to Yumbe, Uganda. It has 400 households, and 2000 residents, but little potable water, sanitation, or hygiene. At least two residents died of dysentery in September 2019. The community is on the border with South Sudan […]

Dula Well Project – Uganda

Dula, Uganda Project  to Eliminate Disease and Provide Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene  Chris Roesel, Jeff Morgan, Eric Lehan, and CCEDUC  December, 2020 This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the National Peace Corps Association. This proposal is to provide water and stop preventable diseases in a rural community of Uganda. The community we propose to help […]

Loma Bonita Water Project – Mexico

Ejido de Benito Juarez region is the latest in our Sierra Madre Water Program – Mexico & Guatemala Location: Barrio Loma Bonita, Ejido de Benito Juarez, Chiapas, Mexico Community Description:  Loma Bonita is a neighborhood of 41 homes on the western edge of the settlement of Benito Juarez.  It is home to 235 people. At that elevation, the weather […]

Conclusion of Loma Bonita Water Project – Mexico

The families living in Loma Bonita are absolutely delighted that running water is finally coming to every home.  Loma Bonita is a place where the poverty is severe. Some of the families live in precarious structures that do not afford much protection from the fog and cold in the winter. They would not have been able to cover the cost of expanding their water system without the […]

Conclusion of Rancheria Salanueva Water Project – Mexico

Another successful Water Charity project in Chiapas! Completion of the Water System for the residents of Rancheria Salanueva The people in Salanueva are planning a big celebration to inaugurate the newly completed water system, as is the custom in the Sierra Madre.  Now that they know their water supply is secure, they are relieved that they no […]

Asociación de Agua Chapultepec Water System – Mexico

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. This project has been completed.  To read about the conclusion, CLICK HERE. Location Xelaju Ampliación, Los Pinos and Barrio Reforma, Motozintla, Chiapas, Mexico Community Description Many years ago, people living in three neighborhoods on the edge of the city […]