This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Erik Benoist.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to reforest large areas around springs which have been deforested in order to protect the water supply.
Erik reports:
The project was a simple and efficient success. We planted nearly 2,000 trees around deforested water sources with the help of local community groups. Every tree (save a few that didn’t make the trip) was planted by myself, the forestry officer at the Municipality where I worked, and a cadre of school children from every locality.
Since the trees were planted at the beginning of the rainy season, the ones I had the chance to return to were already well rooted and growing by the time I left in October. I strongly believe that the effort your organization made in allowing this project to happen will have a permanent effect on the quality of drinking water in Unión Cantinil.
The project was well-received by all of the communities in which we worked. The community of Guantan honored us for our work in reforesting the major spring there. Sarvelio Juarez the tecnico in the Forestry Office received a diploma from the president of the local community group.
I wanted to thank Water Charity again for making this project a reality. It was a huge success and I really do hope that these communities see this as an example of simple infrastructure projects and continue on their own to do similar plantings. I really believe this is only the beginning.
We are grateful to Erik for completing this outstanding project, and to the Elmo Foundation for providing the funding.