This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Stephanie Starch.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to repair a hand pump in the village.
Stephanie reports:
I am happy to inform you that we have completed the Jamally Ganyado pump restoration project!
For years the pump at the far edge of the village has been breaking down. The pump was installed in the eighties, and it had never had a major repair because the parts were too expensive for the village to replace. The village managed by fixing what they were able to afford, but often the pump would break again soon afterward. Long lines would then form to get water at the remaining pumps. Sometimes women would have to wait for an hour to get their water.
With the funds from Water Charity we were able replace many of the parts in the hand pump to make its insides like new. We hired a local man from a village next to ours to fix it. We were able to replace the very important end piece that was worn and unable to create a tight seal to draw up water. In addition we replaced lots of other damaged parts.
The pump is functioning great now and the villagers are very happy. There were shouts of “Mi weltima no bete” (I am so happy) when water flowed copiously after the repair. The women are so happy that they don’t have to wait so long for water anymore.
Everyone in Jamally would really like to extend their deepest gratitude to everyone who made this repair possible.
We, in turn, are grateful to Stephanie for carrying out this excellent project, and wish to again thank Stephanie’s friends and family for providing the funding.