This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Steven Turnbull.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build two water tanks as an integral part of the larger project to build a tree nursery in Joal-Fadiouth.
Steven reports:
The project took some time to get off the ground because of complications with the rainy season which delayed the construction process, but once we started the work progressed smoothly and quickly. The construction included building two long “beds” designed to hold tree sacks, which can be removed and replaced as the trees reach maturation.
The tree nursery was built in a public spot to increase visibility and to allow the public to interact with the three trained workers. Fencing to protect seedlings was necessary, and a sign was painted advertising the nursery.
Funds from Appropriate Projects went to the construction of two water basins which store and provide the tree nursery with a steady source of water. The basins were crucial to the success of the overall project because the city of Joal faces frequent and prolonged public water cuts and the well water has high saline content, unsuitable for watering trees.
As of writing this report, the nursery beds have about 1,500 planted tree sacks which are beginning to sprout various tree species. These trees will be used for various projects including reinforcing a dike and coastal areas prone to erosion, providing local schools and public spaces with shade trees, and growing fruit tree species.
Work is progressing and additional tree sacks are added and planted each day. A forest department worker assisted in the implementation of the project and helped train the 3 current tree nursery employees.
The public location provides many opportunities to discuss the project with the community and it has garnered a lot of attention because of this. We have seen a lot of interest and support from the community. Opinions are positive and the mayor himself has expressed interest in expanding the project and creating a bigger tree nursery once all the space of the original is in use.
On behalf of the Peace Corps and the community of Joal-Fadiouth, I’d like to thank Appropriate Projects for funding the water basins which are an invaluable asset to the continued success of this project. The tree nursery is part of a larger plan to improve the environmental health of the city of Joal, and will be used for several important projects over the course of several years.
We, in turn, extend our thanks to Steven, and again thank the Elmo Foundation for providing the funding.