Amdallai Water System Project – The Gambia

Amdallai, Kombo East District, West Coast Region, The Gambia

Community Description
Amdallai is a rural community located in The Republic of The Gambia. It has approximately 875 residents that are primarily dependent on farming as a means of income generation.

Amdallai is predominately Mandinka, which is one of the oldest tribes to settle the region. There are also residents that are from Jola, Manjago and Fula tribes.

Located in West Africa, the small community of Amdallai has suffered from the effects of climate change, including the availability of clean water.

A solar-powered water system exists in the neighboring village of Tumani Tenda. However, water is not readily available in Amdallai.

Project Description
The current project is to extend the water line from Tumani Tenda to provide clean drinking water to Amdallai.

The project includes the provision of 775 meters of piping and the installation of 3 tap heads for the distribution of clean drinking water to the residents of Amdallai.

After consulting with technical experts from Regional Solar it was determined that the solar water system in Tumani Tenda is strong enough to provide sufficient water to Amdallai.

The project will be implemented by The Amdallai Village Development Committee, under the direction of its Chairman, Basiru Sanyang.

The Amdallai Village Development Committee has mobilized the support of the community to provide the general labor for the project and food for the workers. The digging of the trench for the pipes will take approximately two weeks.

Water Charity funds will cover the cost of piping, the water taps to distribute the water, and the labor of the skilled technicians for the installation.

Project Impact
875 people will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Maureen Hessel

This project highlights the collaborative dynamics of Gambian society. The efforts of Tumani Tenda to assist their neighbors in Amdallai exemplifies the kinship that Gambians extend to their neighbors. A system that provides an ample supply of safe water will have a widespread impact on the health and well-being of the community.

Maureen previously completed the Tumani Tenda Primary and Nursery School Water Project – The Gambia and the Nematoulie Community Center Pump Project – The Gambia.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date


Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.

Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of the Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.