This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Maxx Mann.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to construct a rainwater catchment system to accommodate the water needs of the center.
Maxx reports:
We completed our project.
It took about a week longer than I originally estimated, as we ran into a few problems with the installation of the gutters and switching of fund is. First, I would like to note that we ended up buying a 5,000 liter tank at 35,000 shillings as we had to pay for gutters for 7,000 shillings. This occurred after the fundi who promised us gutters sold them to someone else, instead of giving them to us for free. Understandable.
After finding different gutters with a different fundi, we got to work on installation. The Center provided funding for additional wooden posts and nails to the tune of 1,150 shillings and the labor cost of 1,000 shillings for the new fundi.
The tank finally arrived from Narok on Thursday, instead of the previous Saturday. The tank itself was much larger than the truck presenting it, and made for a comical sight.
Before we could get the tank hooked up to the catchment, we had to wait until Friday for the fundi to be free so we could do some adjusting of the gutters to create the proper slope which would ensure efficient catchment.
Halafu sasa, tumemaliza! Now, we are done!
I give my thanks and my applause on behalf of the Sekenani community for the work of Water Charity! Asanteni Sana!
We are grateful to Maxx for the timely completion of this important project.