This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Rosanne Dunivan.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 14 latrines in the community.
Rosanne reports:
The village of Saare Bono is an incredibly motivated village about 11 km from Keur Madiabel. A village that sustains itself off of subsistence farming, and animal husbandry, it lacked the resources monetarily to fund latrines.
This village lacked a single latrine for about 250 people. Lack of latrines leads to defecation in the fields, or, in the case of children, in their own compounds. As a result, diarrheal illness is a huge issue in my region. The introduction of latrines was therefore necessary for the improvement of health in the community.
As done in prior projects, each family was required to dig a 1 m by 2 m deep wide hole, bring in rocks and sand to mix with cement, haul their own supplies, and help with labor. Money from Water Charity was used for buying the materials and paying the mason.
The village of Saare Bono was eager to help at all times, and they were done very quickly at each step of the process. A total of 14 simple unlined, pit latrines were built, with each compound receiving one. A well-attended session on diarrheal diseases and their causes was then given.
Of all the villages I’ve worked with, this village was the most ecstatic and eager to help. The joy on an old woman’s face when she realizes that for the first time in her life she will live in a place where she doesn’t need to go to the fields to defecate is incredible. A sense of pride in their accomplishments could really be seen through this project, as the people were very hands-on, with very little encouragement from me.
We are very grateful to Rosanne for completing this project, her third in partnership with Water Charity. We again wish to thank The Andando Foundation for their tremendous generosity in providing the funds for this project.