Utelewe village, Njombe Region, Tanzania
Community Description
Utelewe is a village of 1,434 people, located near Njombe town in the Njombe Region of Tanzania.
The Utelewe Primary School has 342 students enrolled for the 2013 school year. There are eight teachers, including the headteacher (principal) and a pre-school teacher.
In order to cook lunch for the students the cook needs water, and students are sent out during class to bring water back to the school. They carry water in buckets perched on their heads, sometimes 2 kilometers when water is scarce.
The short rainy season begins in mid-to later- November and continues until the beginning of January when the longer rainy season starts. This lasts until mid-April. From May to September there are a few sporadic storms, but it gets really dry and the water taps near the school are closed.
Project Description
This project is to build a rainwater catchment system for the primary school.
Water will be collected from the roof of the school and stored in two 3,000-liter tanks.
The tanks will be purchased and the spigot installed. The tanks will be transported and placed on platforms beneath the guttering system, one in each corner in front of the sidewalks used by the students to get to their classes.
The metal for the gutters will be taken from the old pit latrines and bent into the shape of a gutter. They will be secured with nails and metal strips. All the buildings at the school are attached. The guttering system will run in front of the library and large conference room.
The platforms will be built using wood from old desks the teachers have placed in a storeroom near the school. They will be reinforced with bricks taken from the old pit latrines and the cement will be bought to fill in the cracks.
The school will pay for the transportation costs of the two tanks and the teachers will install the tanks and guttering system. The teachers will also maintain the tanks and the system to ensure that the water remains suitable for drinking.
Water Charity funds will be used to purchase the tanks and assorted materials. The school will cover any remaining costs.
Project Impact
342 students and 8 teachers will benefit from the project
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Karri Stout
The school will have a reliable supply of safe water, which will also be available to those who live near the school. Students will be relieved of the burden of carrying water to school.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of Sharon Stout, of Rogersville, MO, USA and the Gainesville, MO, Elementary school.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Peace Corps Karri Stout of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Karri and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.