Lufumbu Primary School Latrine Project – Tanzania

Lufumbu Village, Ludewa District, Njombe Region, Tanzania

Community Description
Approximately 100 kilometers south of Njombe Town in Tanzania lies Lufumbu, a rural village encircled by the well-known and picturesque Livingstone Mountains. Lufumbu Village is home to approximately 2,260 individuals.

The Lufumbu Primary School serves children ages 7 through 15. The school contains 311 students, 157 boys, and 154 girls.

The existing pit latrines located at the school were constructed many years ago. Due to the overpopulation of the school and its high use over the years, most of the latrines are full of waste. As a result, the students avoid using them and resort to defecating on the ground outside of the latrines.

A major water source for the community rests approximately 20 meters below the area that students use to leave their waste. This stream serves many purposes for community members, including for drinking and cooking water, clothes washing, and watering of crops. This becomes especially troublesome during rainfall when these contaminants are carried down to the stream in Lufumbu Village.

Project Description
This project is to build a new set of latrines for the school.

One building will be constructed about 10 meters outside of the school. There will be two stalls, one for females and the other for males. The pit will be 3 meters wide by 2 meters long, and approximately 4.5 meters deep. It will be lined with cement to avoid leakage into the water table.

The building will be brick, with cement covering the walls on the inside. Concrete platforms will cover the pit.

Each stall will contain a bucket that students will use to fetch water from a source 10 meters away.

The existing latrine building, which has become unserviceable, will be destroyed.

Water Charity funds will be used to purchase materials, including cement, gravel, sand, tin, wood, and locks, and to pay the skilled workers.

Community members will contribute by making bricks and digging the pit.

Project Impact
This project will not only benefit the 311 students at the primary school, but also the entire community of Lufumbu.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Valencia Lyle

The new pit latrine will eliminate the contamination of the stream, leading to a reduction of gastrointestinal illness in the community.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date


Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.

Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of the Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been concluded.