This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer James Edward Gill. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to repair the boy’s and girl’s latrines within the middle school and high school.
James reports:
With the money we received, we were able to buy all of the relevant materials, (cement, rebar, piping and wood). I spoke with the mason and plumbers on Sunday and we were able to start the project on Monday, with the authority of the school director, Mr. Fall.
After unclogging the toilet and faucet piping, and clearing the debris/trash from the waste holding facility, we began to replace faulty pipes and broken fixtures.
We then had to wait one day before using water to clean the floors and toilets. At this point, I took the time to remove all of the large trash items from the building.
Friday morning, I spoke with the assistant school director, Mr. Geiuy, who agreed that we should involve the students on some level so that they may take ownership to the newly functional facilities. With the students help, the project was completed and very much a success. With a pledge from the assistant director, students will clean the new facilities on a weekly basis.
In total, six toilets (out of nine) and eleven faucets were fixed, giving the 978 students access to functioning facilities.
Mr. Geiuy stated: “On behalf of the students and faculty, we would like to thank the Peace Corps and Appropriate Projects for helping us to create a clean environment and example for our students to enjoy and follow in their homes.”
On behalf of the Peace Corps, I want to thank you and your organization for your diligent work to help countries with water and sanitation problems.
We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this project.