This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Cody Villanueva. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 3 large slow sand water filters at Executive Judgment 443rd Prison.
Cody reports:
As of August 19, 2011, the project is complete.
Along with my project team, I was able to purchase all materials early in the week. We were able to borrow tools from a community member (a technology teacher from a local school). He assisted with the initial construction needs. Another community member assisted with the gathering of sand and rocks.
Finally, on Friday, the project team and I headed out to the prison. There, we gathered 10 prisoners and 3 prison workers to help construct the filters. Throughout the process, we explained the design. The prisoners took an active role in the process and showed much gratitude.
We plan to return to the prison next month to check up on the filters and test the purity of the water.
Overall, the project was a success. Thanks again, Water Charity!
We wish to thank Cody for completing this project, and again extend our gratitude to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding.