This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Ann Marie Albright. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to construct a water tap at the school and construct a fence around the school.
Ann Marie reports:
On behalf of the entire Barkedji community, thank you to all who helped make our Kindergarten project a reality. I am proud to report that we successfully constructed a 160-meter chain link fence and water spout at our Kindergarten. The addition of water at the school allows students and teachers to freely drink safe water and wash their hands after going to the bathroom. The fence protects the school grounds from blowing debris and passing livestock.
The four teachers are especially grateful for the assistance, saying that their school is too often overlooked. Headmistress Aminata Sow is confident that by making visible improvements and investments in the kindergarten, like this Appropriate Project, we are stressing to the community the importance of early education. She says, “Teaching the importance of early education is a lesson without a price.”
Appropriate Projects funds allowed for the purchase of all necessary materials for the water spout and the fence. The materials included plastic PVC tubing, metal water tap, cement, metal posts and chain link fencing. It also paid to transport the materials to the village. The community then donated all the labor, digging a trench for the pipe and holes for the posts, fastening the fencing and bringing sand and water to the site.
Though the project has been completed, our work has just begun. The school is currently working with the local natural resource agent to plant trees along the fence. This will reinforce the fence, beautify the school environment, and create opportunities for hands-on science lessons. Of course, the trees will require regular watering, which is now possible because of the new water spout!
Thank you to all those who contributed! Your generosity will be remembered for years to come.
We wish to thank Ann Marie for completing this project, and again extend our gratitude to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust, together with friends and family of Ann Marie, for providing the funding.