Bolgrad Gymnasium Hostel Bathroom Project – Ukraine

Bolgrad, Odesa’ka Oblast, Southwestern Ukraine

Community Description
Bolgrad is a small town in Odesa’ka oblast. It has a rich history, and the community treasures its Bulgarian roots. As the Bolgradksky regional capital, Bolgrad serves as a center for the surrounding villages and towns.

Within the town is Bolgrad Gymnasium, named after G.S. Rakovsky, which is a specialized boarding school. The Gymnasium welcomes students from within the town and surrounding area.

There are currently 390 students in attendance: 55 students currently live on campus and 135 are bused to school from neighboring villages.

The Gymnasium also opens its doors to the larger community for various events such as teacher trainings, performances, and regional seminars.

Over the years, the plumbing has deteriorated, such that a number of bathrooms have become non-functional and closed for use.

Project Description
This project will replace 5 toilets, 2 sinks, and faucets in the student hostel, enabling access to indoor plumbing.

Broken and blocked piping will be replaced with new piping. Old tanks will be replaced with new tanks and drain hoses. In addition, aged and damaged water seals and pipes will be replaced to stop and prevent future leaks.

These repairs will re-open bathrooms on the first and second floors for the use of students, teachers, and guests.

Project funds will be used to purchase the toilets, sinks, new piping, and drain hoses. The school’s maintenance workers will provide the labor for the project and the transportation of materials.

Project Impact
This project will directly benefit 300 guests who stay at the hostel each year, plus 55 students currently living on campus

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Karen Sullivan

The project will inure to the direct benefit of the continuing stream of students and guests at the hostel. The improvement of the sanitary facilities to at least a minimal standard will improve the health and well-being of all who use the services of the hostel.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date
$380.00 plus additional amounts for future projects

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded through the generosity of friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Karen Sullivan.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Karen of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Karen and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.