This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Amanda Herring. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
This project was to build two 10-stall latrines in a fishing village on the coast of Ghana.
Amanda reports:
After they began digging the pits for the latrines, the energy and excitement in the village was indescribable. All of the labor was contributed by the community, working together to complete this vital project. I was very happy with the motivation and teamwork, which stayed high during the entire time.
Project funds were used to pay for materials, including roofing, lumber, cement, pipe, paint, brushes, hinges, and nails, as well as for transport of materials to the job sites.
A community member was selected to take care of the latrines. He will collect nominal amounts from persons using the latrines, to be utilized for upkeep and maintenance. He also will keep the latrines and grounds clean.
Community members came to my door at 5:00 in the morning to give me bananas, plantains, and oranges to thank me for the latrines. My friend Ama came to my room crying and hugging me. From the bottom of their hearts my village thanks you!
The two 10-stall latrines now stand at opposite ends of the community, and are used by all 1,000 residents. The project created a sanitary work area for the fishermen and a serene playing area for the children, and will continue to serve to prevent the spread of disease.
Please accept my sincerest thanks in supporting my village in our Community Latrine Project.
We are grateful to Amanda for completing this project, and again thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding.