This project is to build 30 improved latrines in a rural Minianka village with virtually no sanitation infrastructure. It is being implemented under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Pilar Lyons.
The village of Zamblala has a population of roughly 1,200 people. It is located in rural Mali, in the circle of Koutiala. Most of the villagers are subsistence farmers. During much of the year (November through June), precipitation is negligible. There is little or no infrastructure in the village, including a complete lack of water delivery infrastructure or sanitation infrastructure.
There are virtually no improved latrines in the village. Some households have an unimproved pit latrine with simple wood and clay slab, while other households simply wait for dark to defecate in a nearby field. The community is aware of the implications to the health and well-being of the unimproved sanitation situation.
Most latrines have neither a reinforced slab nor any kind of lining, causing erosion at the mouth, and allowing surface water to enter the latrine pit and pull contamination into the groundwater. There is also the alarming possibility of the wood and clay slab breaking and dropping one into the latrine pit itself!
Water Charity is participating in the larger project under the Peace Corps Partnership Program. Project funds will go toward purchasing cement, materials, and tools to complete the work.
The community will provide all of the unskilled labor and the locally available materials in addition to paying for the skilled labor. This includes digging both the latrine and soaking away pits, and collecting the sand, gravel, and rocks. It also includes supplying at least two people to assist with concrete mixing and simple masonry tasks. Transport of materials from the market town 3 kilometers away is also a community contribution. The community portion, both cash and in-kind is roughly 27% of the total project cost.
The project will directly serve approximately 150 people in 30 households.
Once the project is complete, the standing Water and Sanitation Committee will continue to utilize the skills and knowledge of latrine improvement gained during the project to improve other latrines in the village.
In an earlier project, Pilar and another PCV installed 10 reinforced concrete latrine slabs, leaving roughly 75 households without improved sanitation infrastructure. The rest of the households are eager to “keep up with the Joneses” in the American vernacular.
Pilar also successfully completed the Well Improvement Project – Mali.
$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded through the generosity of The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust as a part of their Clean Water Projects initiative.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Pilar of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by the PCV and/or other projects in the country of service.
This project has been completed. To read about the conclusion CLICK HERE.