Ouled Naser Bathroom Project – Morocco

Ouled Naser, Sbt Dwib, El Jadida province, Morocco

Community Description
Ouled Naser is a small isolated rural community of about 1,000 people, located off the main road running south from El Jadida.

Problem Addressed
Currently, Ouled Naser has no functional community spaces, and women especially suffer as a result. As it is not respectable for women to be outside, they must stay largely in their own homes at all times.

There is a one-room building at the center of the community that presently stands unused. Residents wish to turn it into a usable community center, but it lacks bathroom facilities.

Ouled Naser Bathroom Project - MoroccoProject Description
This project is to build bathroom facilities at the community center.

The building will be adjacent to the community center, comprised of 2 stalls with Turkish toilets and sinks. The sinks will provide potable running water from a clean local well.

Erraja for Development, a community association, will oversee the planning, construction and maintenance.

The work will be done by a skilled mason, who will oversee construction, and his assistant.

Community members will assist with the unskilled labor and will provide water, food, and the transport of materials.

Water Charity funds will be used to pay for the construction materials and for the skilled labor.

Upon completion of the latrines, a health fair will be held to educate community members on healthy living practices, with special emphasis on proper handwashing techniques at the new sinks.

Project Impact
100 people who use the facility will directly benefit.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Alexandria Brown

Monitoring and Maintenance
Cleaning, upkeep, and waste disposal will be organized by Erraja for Development. A truck from El Jadida will come on a regular basis to clear out the pit and take the waste to the waste-processing facility.

This project will provide a comfortable place for community meetings, pre-school classes, tutoring sessions, and women’s gatherings (for fun and for the practice of new income-generating activities).

Fundraising Target

Funds raised in excess of the project amount will be allocated to other projects in the country.

Donations Collected to Date

Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you the chance to post a dedication, if that is something you would like.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been completed.  To see the results, CLICK HERE.

Ouled Naser Bathroom Project - MoroccoOuled Naser Bathroom Project - Morocco