Ngar Gueye Latrine Project – Senegal

Ngar Gueye, Kaolack Region, Senegal

Community Description
Ngar Gueye is a farming community with a population of 350 people of a predominantly Wolof ethnic make-up.

Out of the 33 houses in the village, 10 houses have well-constructed, long-lasting latrines, 13 houses have simple, short-term latrines, and 10 houses have no latrine structure whatsoever.

Problem Addressed
One of the health issues facing the village of Ngar Gueye is the high rate of diarrheal disease, which is particularly risky for children under 5. One of the factors that leads to such a high incidence of diarrheal disease is the practice of open defecation.

Ngar Gueye Latrine Project - SenegalProject Description
This project is to build 10 new latrines at compounds in the community.

The beneficiaries will be chosen based primarily on willingness to participate and secondarily on a random lottery.

Each participating family will dig its own pit, gather sand and gravel, and contribute financially to the masonry.

Water Charity funds will provide money for cement, iron rebar, and the brick making labor.

Construction will be organized and supervised by a local mason and the head of the local health hut.

During construction, visits will be paid to each household by the village’s health workers and the Peace Corps Volunteer to provide education on improved water and sanitation practices, such as latrine care and repair and handwashing.

Project Impact
122 people will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Kathryn Harrawood

Monitoring and Maintenance
After the construction is finished, health workers will revisit the houses to ensure the latrines are being used properly and with the learned appropriate complementary hygiene practices.

The project will result in the reduction of diarrheal disease in Ngar Gueye by providing for the reduction of open defecation.

Fundraising Target

Funds raised in excess of the project amount will be allocated to other projects in the country.

Donations Collected to Date
$550 + additional amounts for future projects

Dollar Amount Needed

$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded through the generosity of friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Kathryn Harrawood.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Kathryn of your donation.  Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Kathryn and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.

This project has been completed.  To see the results, CLICK HERE.

Ngar Gueye Latrine Project - Senegal