Nizhnehorskiy Elementary School Sink Project – Ukraine

Nizhnehorskiy, Nizhnehorskiy Rayon, Autonomous Region of Crimea, Ukraine

Community Description
Nizhnehorskiy is a neglected region in the agricultural northeast of Crimea, away from the resort coast. There are approximately 58,000 residents, 15,000 of those residing in the rayon center, also named Nizhnehorskiy. The flat steppe territory stretches from the center of Crimea to the salt marsh Sivash area bordering the Sea of Azov.

With only a decaying canning factory, there are few economic and social opportunities. The continuing difficult economic climate has forced many difficult budget decisions. In spite of the challenges, the town has been energized to meet these problems head-on.

This elementary school building was opened as a kindergarten in 1938 and renovated in 1970 for use as an elementary school. The Nizhnehorskiy Teaching and Educational Complex Lyceum School #1
currently has 270 students in 12 classes for grades 1-4.

There is only cold water, and all the bathrooms are in need of replacement fixtures and re-tiling. There are 24 cracked and leaking sinks throughout the school. Faucets are missing or broken and the sinks have pulled away from the old walls.

Water from the leaking sinks adds to the danger. The maintenance staff has been vigilant in keeping up with the repairs but they cannot do much more with the crumbling porcelain.

The kitchen area serves a daily hot lunch to students and staff. Preparation of food, cleaning and sanitation is accomplished with cold water.

Despite the need for a boiler for the kitchen and the school, the administration is most concerned about the immediate safety and hygiene of the students, and will work on the sink problem first.

Project Description
This project is to replace 11 sinks and faucets throughout the school, ensuring that students have access to at least one functioning sink without disturbing other classes.

In addition, non-functioning drains and pipes will be repaired as necessary.

Project funds will be used to purchase the sinks and provide for their delivery to the school.

The school will provide the labor for the installation. They will also pay any additional amounts for labor and materials necessary to complete the project.

Project Impact
270 students, plus teachers and staff, will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Victoria Lamb

The school has properly prioritized the improvements needed. This first project will restore an element of hygiene and sanitation to the immediate benefit of the students.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date
$500.00 + additional amounts for future projects.

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded through the generosity of friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Victoria Lamb.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Victoria of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Victoria and/or those of other PCVs in Ukraine.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.