
Positive H2O Campaign for Water and Sanitation

Positive H2O (+H2O) is a movement for clean water that brings together a community of athletes, conservationists, non-profits and companies, which help to facilitate local solutions on a global scale. We promote a lifestyle that is healthy, conscious, creative and in harmony with the environment. Having clean oceans and access to clean drinking water and […]

Introducing Water Charity – One of the Top Water Charities

Water Charity is a nonprofit corporation, directed toward improving the human rights and dignity of individuals throughout the world by providing them with resources that impact upon their health and wellbeing. With all donations applied to projects in the field, we have become one of the best and highest-ranked water charities delivering global services. Water […]

Water Charity Goes to Washington

The Chronicles Group/Running Dry Project, in Association with the Embassy of Australia, Metropolitan Water District and the CSIS Global Water Futures Project will be hosting two major water events in Washington, DC. Water Charity is again a co-sponsor. The first event, entitled “Drought, Water Scarcity & International Security in the 21st Century”, will be held […]

Two Water Events for 2-24-10

Due to the extreme snow storm events in Washington, D.C., both the February 24th Lunch/Panel Discussion and the evening Congressional Water Caucus Events have been postponed.   On February 24, 2010, two important events that pertain to water policy, will take place in Washington, D.C.  Under the direction of Jim Thebaut, of The Chronicles Group/Running […]

Latrines Project – Uganda

Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa that lies almost completely within the Nile basin. It is bordered on the east by Kenya, on the north by Sudan, on the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the southwest by Rwanda, and on the south by Tanzania. In this village many of […]

Soak Pits Project – Mali

In this community in Mali, there are great amounts of standing water, which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and create an increased risk of malaria. The project is to construct 475 soak pits. A soak pit is a method of removing groundwater by draining it down into the earth. The funds provided by […]

Jacqueline Chan to Speak at Coronary Health Improvements Summit

Water Charity’s Executive Director, Jacqueline Chan, Dr.P.H., will be a featured speaker at the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) Summit 2009. The conference will be held November 18-22, 2009, at Loma Linda University, in Loma Linda, California. CHIP is a lifestyle education program, with thousands of graduates worldwide. It is sponsored by local, certified leadership, […]

Toward a National Water Policy

The time has come for the United States to develop, adopt, and implement a comprehensive integrated national water policy. On July 28, 2009, a national water political event was held at the capitol. The event was hosted by the Chronicles Group, a nonprofit educational film production company, and a large number of the private sector […]

Water Charity Co-Sponsors National Water Policy Event in Washington

The creation of a national water use plan is a crucial issue for our country. Although most of the projects undertaken by Water Charity are carried out abroad, we are active in local and national water use issues and projects as well. We are proud to co-sponsor a seminal event that will raise the awareness […]

Completion of Julio Verne School Water Project in Guatemala

The Water Charity project at the Julio Verne Elementary School of Saquiya, Patzun, Guatemala has been successfully completed. To see the history of this project Click HERE. The effort resulted in the installation of 3 Rotoplas water deposits, 5 functioning toilets, a cement water deposit, a washing station, and 6 sinks with faucets. The sinks […]