School No. 9 Handwashing Station Project – Ukraine

Pyatiooglee District, Chernigiv, Chernigivska Oblast, Ukraine

Community Description
Chernihiv is a city of about 300,000 residents located 100 km northeast of Kiev on the Desna River. It is a minor tourist destination due to its ancient churches and Antoniv caves.

School No. 9 provides an education for children who primarily come from poor families. The school itself lacks many materials and resources, and is unable to undertake new projects without assistance.

Project Description
This is a project to replace handwashing stations at a 100 year old school in Chernigiv.

The existing stations are all extremely old and poorly designed, and over the years have become very unsanitary due to rust and mold. These sinks are in classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms. Some have leaky tubes and faucets that spray everywhere, while others simply no longer work.

This project is to replace nine sinks and nine faucets, as well as the necessary pieces to make it all work. This work will replace the very old facilities with new state of the art sinks and single faucets.

Water Charity funds will cover the cost of the materials and supplies.

Purchase, delivery, and installation will be provided by the Chernihiv Youth Employment Center and School No. 9.

Project Impact
414 people will benefit from the project, including 362 students and 52 staff members (teachers, administration, and workers).

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Robert DeKay

This is a necessary infrastructure project that will provide safe facilities for the practice of proper hygiene for a large number of people. It will greatly improve the health and wellbeing of the students and staff.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date


Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.

Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.