Ikimilinzowo Primary School Well Project – Tanzania

Ikimilinzowo, Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania

Community Description
Ikimilinzowo village has a total population of 6,158, with 500 students attending Ikimilinzowo Primary School and 494 students going to Itulilo Primary School. There are 9 teachers at each school.

Problem Addressed Water availability is a huge problem all over in the village, but is especially noticeable at the primary schools. Students at each school must fetch water for to meet the daily needs. This is a time-consuming activity that interferes with the education process.

Project Description
This project is to build a pump well at the Ikimilinzowo Primary School.

Water from the well will be used for drinking, cooking, hygiene, and sanitation, as well as for watering the permagarden.

The well will be hand dug, with a diameter of 2 m and depth of 45 m. It will be lined with bricks, and will have a sanitary seal at the surface to prevent contamination from surface water seepage into the well. There will be a sloped concrete drainage apron with a runoff area, and a concrete cover with the pump stand and manhole attached.

The pump used will be an India Mark II pump, which functions well at the indicated depth.

The project is under the direction of a local committee of 16 people, consisting of the village chairman, both principal and vice principal for the school, several teacher representatives, school board members, parent representatives, and the village executive officer. They have written a plan and budget for the project, and will oversee the implementation.

The committee selected the workman to complete the labor. He has marked out a space behind the school to dig the well.

Water Charity funds will be used to pay the wages of the craftsman and to purchase the well pump.

A community contribution, collected from both students and teachers, will go toward all the bricks, cement, and sand needed to construct the well. This makes the community contribution 25% of the total budget.

The committee has outlined a plan once funds are received. The materials will all be bought and carried in from Makambako, a town 20 km from the village, the day after funds are received.

The workman will then proceed with the well, which should take at most 10 days. Because the village is utilizing local talent, it will ensure the ability to fix any problems they may encounter in the future.

Project Impact
The students and faculty at the Ikimilinzowo Primary School, with 500 students and 10 teachers, will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Julie Burgett

The project, resulting in a source of safe water, will improve the health and wellbeing of students and staff.

In the course of planning and implementing the project, village and school leaders, as well as younger teachers and community members, are learning about planning and budgeting and the technology involved.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been adopted and paid for by the Mexico High School Environmental Science Students, Mexico, New York, USA, through their water walk fundraiser, with the help of their instructor Michael Johst.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Peace Corps Volunteer Julie Burgett of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Julie and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.