Coxjac School Latrine Project – Guatemala

Girls - Guatemala This is a project to construct three latrines for a school system in rural Guatemala. The process will also incorporate lessons involving the environment and waste management, hygiene and sanitation, and construction techniques and teamwork.

The project is being carried out in Coxjac, Totonicapan, Guatemala, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Casey Kittredge.

The latrines will be used by all three groups of students who use the school (elementary, middle school and a weekend middle school program) for a total of 240 students and 12 teachers. The current bathrooms have been deemed unsanitary by the Department of Health due to their proximity to the area where the atol, the morning snack, is prepared for the elementary students.

Latrine - GuatemalaThe walls will be built using filled recycled plastic bottles, covered with concrete. Project funds will be used to purchase materials, including rebar, cement, sand, gravel, wire, chicken wire, wood planks, and corrugated metal sheets.

The community will provide all manual labor during the construction of the latrines.

Planning meetings have taken place with the Mayor, the community, school personnel, and parents. The work will be coordinated by a committee that has been formed. After construction, the committee will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance.

This project has been fully funded through the generosity of The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust as a part of their Clean Water Projects initiative.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Peace Corps Volunteer Casey Kittredge of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Casey and/or those of her counterpart PCVs in Guatemala.

This project has been completed. To read about the conclusion of this project, CLICK HERE.