Conclusion of MAFUREBO Primary School Water Project – Rwanda

This project has been successfully completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Avery Karlowich. To see the history of the project CLICK HERE.

The project was to install a water collection and storage system for the MAFUREBO Primary School.

Avery reports:

Immediately after the headmaster of the Mafurebo Primary School, the main project contact, and I, signed the contract we went to the market to begin buying the supplies. The entire process went smoothly.

Initially I was hesitant to go to the market, fearing that the prices quoted would increase when a “muzungu” (white person) was present. However, to my surprise, this was not the case. All materials were bought at the original quoted price.

Construction and rehabilitation of the water tank began right away.

Each time I checked the progress of the tank and the budget throughout the 30-day project, I was pleasantly surprised with the progression made, and that all aspects remained on schedule.

Throughout the project, I not only learned about construction, I had a chance to cultivate new relationships and foster existing relationships with the people involved.

Avery reports on the completion of the tank, and how it was received:

When the tank was completed I was notified and asked to come to the school. To my surprise when I arrived there was an outdoor assembly to conduct and celebrate the unveiling of the finished tank. The entire school was present as well as PTA members.

Students danced and sang, speeches were given, and thank-yous were said to the American People, Peace Corps, and Water Charity. The school painted “Peace Corps” on the side of the water tank and expressed gratitude and appreciation.

After the ceremony, where I participated in the dancing and singing, I was invited to have tea with the teachers and PTA members. The school cow had given birth last week and it was the first time they were to drink the milk from the mother cow. The headmaster knew that fresh milk is one of my favorite things in Rwanda.

To the school’s disappointment, I had to politely decline their gift of a bunny rabbit, as I have nowhere to keep it as a domestic animal and do not have the heart to eat it.

Avery contemplates future projects:

Over tea I initiated a formal conversation regarding future projects. Together we brainstormed ideas where we can continue to work together on the improvement of the school and the lives of the children that attend.

We wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust and the friends and family of Avery Karlowich for providing the funds for this project.