Conclusion of Laradjie Jaxanke Well Project – Senegal

This project has been successfully completed, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Erin Malone. To see the history of this project CLICK HERE.

The project was to repair and upgrade the two wells serving 200 people in the village. It called for the lining of each with cement, and securing of the opening to prevent pollutants from entering the wells.

Erin reports on the process:

The mason/well-worker was lowered into the well with a bucket of cement and cemented down to where the well narrows. Then he re-cemented the base of the well to further slow water infiltration.

These reinforcements will be vital in the rainy season when runoff from the fields rushes into the farrow (where the well is located). The newly cemented sections will keep back toxic or dirty water from quickly accessing the well water and making it unsafe.

Erin informed us that the people of Laradjie were excited to see the well fixed. On behalf of Erin, and the community, we extend our gratitude to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for the project.