Conclusion of Arkhangai Camp Latrine Project – Mongolia

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kara Estep. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE.

The project was to build two pairs of latrines at a very-heavily used children’s camp in Arkhangai Province, Mongolia. In actuality, we were able to achieve much more than we bargained for.

Kara reports:

The two latrines were constructed by Department for Children Staff, in time for the opening of camp. As planned, they are at opposite ends of the camp, so they can be conveniently accessed from different areas.

In addition, each latrine has three stalls for girls and three stalls for boys, totaling 6 stalls in each latrine and 12 stalls total at the camp.

According to Kara, the children and camp staff are very happy to have these new latrines, and are grateful to those who made the project possible.

This project demonstrates the Appropriate Projects approach of doing needed projects at once. Our high impact, zero waste, and short turnaround time are unrivaled (even if we must be the ones to say so ourselves).