Conclusion of Antsakoana Water Pump Project – Madagascar

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Teena Curry. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.

The project was to purchase and install a water pump for use by the members of the local farmers association.

Teena reports:

The president of Fanilo, the farmer’s association in Antsakoana, District Amparafaravola, purchased the water pump on July 10, 2012. 97.28% of the total project money went to the purchase of the water pump and piping that connects it to the water source.

The WP80(30) motorized centrifugal pump is self-priming and has a maximum capacity to pump 1,000 L/minute. Members of the farmer’s association volunteered their time to install the pump.

The pump is used to take water from the canal to the field. A mechanic reviewed the pump and said that it would be easy to maintain and fix if there are mechanical problems due to normal wear and tear.

Having a new water pump for the rice fields will allow the association members to work the fields earlier and thus generate more income. The water pump will allow the members to increase their productivity as they can now farm the fields that are at higher elevation during the dry season. It will also allow them to apply the techniques of SRI, which require water control.

We are grateful to Teena for completing this important project, and again extend our thanks to Michael and Carla Boyle for providing the funding.