52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 28 – Sare Salamata, Master Farm

This project is part of our 52 Pumps in 52 Weeks Program, being implemented by Peace Corps Volunteers Marcie Todd and Garrison Harward. To read about the program and follow its progress, CLICK HERE.

Salamata, Kolda, Senegal

Community Description
13 k from Kolda along the main pothole-filled road into town lies the larger village of Salemata. There are approximately 1,200 people who live in this highly communicative place.

Salamata has a huge number of women’s groups, youth groups, associations, and garden groups, most of which host weekly meetings. The town itself is highly organized, with soap making projects, beautiful dry season river gardens, wet season field crops, and educational projects.

This year, one of the women’s groups will be working in the Master Farm producing dry season veggies and selling them in the market in Kolda. Being so close to Kolda, Salamata is in a great location to make good money for their crops and labor. As the basic market system goes, food is more expensive in cities.

Many men from Salamata also do day work as drivers and go back to their villages at night.

Saku Omar Mballo owns the Master Farm and acts as the president of the health post. He is a very motivated man with a lot of energy. Though he is not the mayor, when walking about town with him, one is aware of his social and political reach. Everyone in town greets him as they pass and ask him questions about his garden or the health post. They ask about his family and health as he returns the greetings, asking more intimate questions about someone’s sick grandmother or someone’s recent trip to Kolda.

Project Description
The Master Farm is home to improved garden techniques and demonstrations for the average farmer. The demonstrations are usually quick and simple ways to increase one’s crop yields, keep bugs out, and improve one’s soil.

The pump for this Master Farm will help with watering in the dry season and demonstrate a locally made appropriate technology.

Project Impact
11 men, women, and children will directly benefit by being at a training site. Many more will indirectly benefit through the increased yields of the farm.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Missy Ore and Marcie Todd


Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date


$150.00 (our new price, which includes labor) will give you “naming rights”. You can name it after yourself or your family. You can dedicate it in honor or in memory of someone.

For a $500 donation, your name will be acknowledged on the program page for 52 Pumps in 52 Weeks Program – Senegal.

If you wish to give a smaller amount, to be applied to the overall program, you may do so.

Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of Project will be allocated to other projects directed by these PCVs and/or projects of other PCVs in Senegal.

Dollar Amount Needed

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE. We are still seeking donations.

52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 28 - Sare Salamata, Master Farm52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 28 - Sare Salamata, Master Farm